Open locked folders in windows 10 - forgotten passwords folders

In the last tutorial we shown you how to lock folders in windows 10 without any third party software or application but in that tutorial some users stated that they are unable to open the locked / hidden folders even giving the right password want their folder back, so with all respect we are going to give a small tip to get back their hidden or locked folders from this fuzz.

Here is the Tip :

Just imagine you locked the folders by following the last tutorial, but accidentally you forgot the password to open it. To open the locked folder you need the correct password, to get the correct password right click on the batch file you created for the locked folders and choose Edit, with this option the batch file is opened in the notepad with lines of code like given below.

 title My Folder
 if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
 if NOT EXIST Secure goto MDLOCKER
 echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
 set/p "cho=>"
 if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
 if %cho%==y goto LOCK
 if %cho%==n goto END
 if %cho%==N goto END
 echo Invalid choice.
 ren Secure "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
 attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
 echo Folder locked
 goto End
 echo Enter the Password to unlock folder
 set/p "pass=>"
 if NOT %pass%== windows10 goto FAIL
 attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
 ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Secure
 echo Folder Unlocked successfully
 goto End
 echo Invalid password
 goto end
 md Secure
 echo Secure created successfully
 goto End

Here is that code i used windows10 is my password to unlock folders, you can also see your password in the green colored text area section. Now try that password and unlock your folders.
There is another issue also raised that even entering correct password some users are not getting to unlock after entering the correct password in the prompt window and after pressing enter key there is nothing happening.
To fix these kind of problem there is one solution just make some adjustments in the code.

Right click on the batch file and choose edit this will open the code in notepad ready to edit.
Note :: Before making changes in the code just select all and copy it and paste the code in the new notepad and save it as a text file. [ If anything goes wrong in the changes we can simply use the old code to make it back to first place ].
1. Below the :UNLOCK section 
2. Select and Delete these lines
echo Enter the Password to unlock folder
 set/p "pass=>"
 if NOT %pass%== windows10 goto FAIL
3. Now locate  this line
  echo Folder Unlocked successfully
just below of the attrib and ren line code
4. Now Select and Delete these lines
 echo Folder Unlocked successfully
 goto End
 echo Invalid password
5. That's it now save this modified code by pressing Ctrl + S or select save from File menu.

 Now double click on the batch file this time it will automatically close the prompt window and display the locked folders.

Note : After showing your locked folders simply delete the batch file to make sure accidentally using it again.

Create Wi-Fi Hotspot without installing any software - Windows 10 Tips and Tricks

We use different types of 3rd party hotspot softwares to share our wi-fi, but in windows 10 we can create a wi-fi hotspot without using any 3rd party software by simply using command prompt. Looks amazing right? Lets just follow the steps below how to create a wi-fi hotspot in command prompt

1. Open Command Prompt (Run as Admin): You can open command prompt in windows 10 many different ways, by right clicking on the start menu, seaching in the start menu and selecting Run as admin or by using Windows Run command.

 2. first of all we need to check if the system drivers support hosted network means wi-fi sharing or not by typing a command in the command prompt

command :  netsh wlan show drivers

and press Enter and check "Yes" option in the "hosted network supported"
if Yes is showing then your system support hosted network sharing.

Note : If Hosted network supported showing No. Your System doesnot support Wi-fi hotspot.

3. Now type the following command in the cmd.

command :
network wlan hosted network mode=allow ssid=win10explore key=Microsoft

Here SSID means your desired network name and Key is the desired password for that network.

4.when you press Enter you can see a message showing that hosted network mode successfully created.

Congratulations you created your own Wi-Fi hotspot.

5. Now we need to start this service, to make Wi-Fi hotspot service on type the following command

command : netsh wlan start hosted network

Hosted network started.

6. To stop Hosted network type netsh wlan stop hosted network in the command prompt.

the hosted network stopped.

How to Lock Folders in Windows 10 (Without software Installation)

We Lock or Hide our Personal folders in Windows using Third-Party Software, but we can lock or hide our folder (Files, Images, Music even Videos) with out any software installation just using a simple command prompt code.

1st Step : Right click on a folder which one you want to hide and select New > Text Document, just give any name to the document we will work about it later.

Windows 10 New Keyboard Shortcuts Part 1

Microsoft recently released the latest and most advanced Operating System ever that is Windows 10.Windows 10 OS comes with bunch of new Programs and new Design with a lot of inbuilt applications. Windows 10 also releases some new keyboard shortcut keys to use them in the windows 10.

How To Enable GOD MODE in WINDOWS 10

God Mode is a very powerful and useful configuration folder in all windows operating system, but by default God mode is not visible to the system users. We need to do a small little trick to make it visible.

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