Windows 10 New Keyboard Shortcuts Part 1

Microsoft recently released the latest and most advanced Operating System ever that is Windows 10.Windows 10 OS comes with bunch of new Programs and new Design with a lot of inbuilt applications. Windows 10 also releases some new keyboard shortcut keys to use them in the windows 10.

Here are the New Keyboard Shortcuts:

Windows Snap
1. Win + Left Arrow : Snap current windows to the left side of the screen.
2. Win + Right Arrow: Snap current window to the right side of the screen.
3. Win + Up Arrow: Snap current window to the top of the screen.
4. Win + Down Arrow: Snap current window to the bottom of the screen.

Tip: Win + Left and then Win + Up snaps a windows into top-left of the screen and the same rule apply for remain corners. 

Virtual Desktop / Task View :
Ctrl + Win + D : New Virtual Desktop .
Ctrl + Win + F4 : Close Current Virtual Desktop.
Ctrl + Win + Right / Left Arrow : Switch between Virtual Desktops.
Win + Tab : Open and shows all windows and all virtual desktops
Alt + Tab : Shows windows in the current Virtual Desktop.

Continue to next part......


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